Kamu-kamu pusing cari bahan buat tugas kuliah??? ambil ajah disini gruwatis tis tis kok. Tapi jangan lupa bayar ma OP warnet yaaach... he,, he,, he,,. Buat yang pake laptop, jangan lupa bayar listrik tiap bulan sebelum tanggal 10. he,, he,, he,, kayak petugas PLN aja:)he,, he,, he,, . Klo you-you pade kecapean baca blog aku. di Refresh aja dengan liat friendster qu, dijamin banyak foto-foto yang bikin seger otak dan tentunya bisa nyari temen, jodoh, ato ML aja. Opss... ML di kamus ahmad tuh (Mau Liat).he,, he,, he,, buat Para Pembaca silahkan kunjungi friendster qu di Semoga Bermanfaat(-_-)

23 April 2009

Selamat Datang di Blog Ahmad's

In an Islam perspective

Islam is a religion of peace, love and compassion (kasih sayang). Lies (kebohongan), suspicion (prasangka), backbiting/gossiping (mengumpat), and slander (fitnah) are totally alien (bertentangan) to Islam. In fact they are considered among the most destructive of major sins. This is so because these sins sow (menabur) enmity (permusuhan) and discord (perselisihan) among the Muslim people and lead to its destruction. They cause hostilities (kebencian) between people of the same household (rumah tangga), and between nieghbours, friends and relatives.
Islam demands (meminta) that our relationship (hubungan) whit mankind (manusia) should be one of sincerity (keikhlasan) and responsibility (tanggungjawab). Islam teaches us that we are not only accoiuntable (bertanggungjawab) for our own attitudes and actions but also for anything else in our society or the world around us.
Let’s see what the Qur’an states about backbiting and slander:
O you who believe! Avoid (hindarilah) much suspicion, indeed (sungguh) some suspicions are sins. And don’t spy on one another (saling mematai/mencari kesalahan) and don’t backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the meat of his dead brother? Certainly you would hate it. And fear Allah, verily, Allah is the one who accepts repentance (taubat), Most Merciful. (Al-Hujurat : 12)
When we reflect (berpikir) deeply about these verses, it should be enough to keep us away from backbiting & slander with indifference (acuh tak acuh) because it is a great sin.
“behold (perhatikanlah) when you received (menerima) t (berita bohong) on your tongues, and said out of your mouths things which you had no knowledge; and you thought it was most serious in the sight (pandangan) of God” (An-Nur : 15)
Many of us backbite and gossip without thinking. We think it is minor matter, however God reminds us to be careful and even though we think we are doing something little, it is in fact very big in the sight of God! God teaches us to speak out against slander and try to stop it.
Many people are so busy spreading the slander they hear that they do not aven stop to think if it is true or not. Satan wants us to use our tongue to create conflict and hatred (kebencian)
“And say to My servants that they should only say the things that are best, surely, Satan sows dissensions (perselisihan) among them, Surely, Satan is to open enemy to man. (Bani Isra’il : 53)
Are we falling into Satan’s trap (perangkap)? We can all analyze ourselves.
Let’s see want Prophet Muhammad said about backbiting in the hadiths. Prophet Muhammad said:
“Do you know what backbiting is?” They said,”God and His Messenger know best.” He then said,”It is to say something about your brother that he would dislike.” Someone asked him, “But what if what I say about him is true, you are backbiting him, but if it is not true then (maka) you have slandered him.” (Muslim)
We should guard (menjaga) our tongue from sins and use our limbs (anggota badan) in acts (perbuatan) of obedience ketaatan)
Prophet Muhammad said:
“Who (barang siapa) protects his tongue from unlawful (haram) utterances (ucapan) and his private parts from illegal sexual intercourse (zina), I shall guarantee (menjamin) him to enter Paradise (surga).” (Bukhari and Muslim)

Best the best Muslim!
A companion (sahabat) of the Messenger of Messenger of God asked him : Who is the best Muslim? The Messenger of God replied, “He is the one from whom Muslims are safe from the evil of his tongue and hands.” (Muslim).
Deriding (mencemooh) people in their presence (di hadapan mereka) by making negative facial expressions or by hand gestures while they are unaware is also a from of backbiting. We need to be aware of the slipping (tergelincir) of our tongues.
“When man wakes up (bangun) in the morning each day, all parts of the body warn the tongue saying, ‘Fear (takutlah) God as regards (mengenai) us for we are at your mercy; if you are upright (lurus), we will be upright and if you are crooke (bengkok), we become crooked .” (At-Tirmidzi)
Honourable readers!
Islam teaches us that if people are being ridiculed (diejek) or back bited in our presence, we should defend their honor (kehormatan). If we neglect (mengabaikan) this, we shall deprive (mencabut) ourselves of the help and mercy from God- If our Muslim brother is slandered in our presence, and we are capable of defending (membela) him, God will defend us in this world and in the next.
What will we do when we are tempted (tergoda) to backbite or hear slander in our presence? Right now the choice is ours!
We ask God the Most High, the All Powerful, to teach us things which will benefit us. May God grant blessing and peace to our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.

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